‘Lars Von Trier’ and why his ‘Depression Trilogy’ stands out- Nymphomaniac Vol 1 & Vol 2.

Prologue The word Nymphomaniac is an ancient word that refers to a women who has excessive and uncontrollable sexual desires.Removal of the clitoris and ovaries, leeching of the vagina, cold baths, and enforced bed rest were commonly prescribed as a cure for this disorder. But the two basic understanding that one must have about Nymphomania... Continue Reading →

‘Lars Von Trier’ and why his ‘depression trilogy’ stands out- Antichrist.

Von trier . The name on its own has created a sense of provocativeness and confronts the contemporary cinema. The cinematic universe Von Trier has created is one of the most controversial , misunderstood and fervently debated. The title Antichrist means the complete opposite extreme of Christ. It is been said that people opposing Christ... Continue Reading →

Coen Brothers and the NallaSivam Phenomenon

A Wise man once said, "If not for the stories, the world would not have gotten this far". Stories in any form are by far the most predominant code with which evolution/lifestyle/politics/constitution/sexual mental proximities redeems itself. The age old Ramayana still decides how saffron your ideologies should be. One way or the other it is... Continue Reading →

Mahanadhi : The cry of a common man.

Mahanadhi is definitely one of the very few films that has stuck and stood up to the particular genre of drama. People always recognize Mahanadhi as a sad/dark movie. The movie is dark. But, so is life. The movie disturbs us a lot. And so does life. After having a brief look at the the... Continue Reading →

Kuriyidugal a.k.a Semiotics

Indeed there is a small but significant amount of space for Semiotics in Tamil Cinema. But in recent times the word semiotics has been mutilated to the maximum. Now and then when there is a movie release we see a hell lot of people trying to decode the film and so the Semiotics bloom out... Continue Reading →

Cinéma et Politique

What actually does an art form has to do with the welfare activity (differs from other welfare activities as it involves money and power)? There are debates going on for and against using Cinema as one of the propagating tools to get succeeded in the field of politics. But still the people on either sides... Continue Reading →

SILK- the all time savoury

I personally feel that altering an  art form to personal interests is an easy way to derivate an emotion and when it comes to her its actually “Yen hormone nadhiyai mella peruku”.   Sex is not a crime and not a zip talk either. We actually live in a country where some speak about stereotypes... Continue Reading →

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